Grassley-090507-18363- 0032Last week was the first Republican Presidential debate, featuring all 17 candidates in two separate sessions.

Raccoon Valley Radio caught up with Republican United States Senator Charles Grassley who attended a ribbon-cutting ceremony for Wild Rose Jefferson on Friday and asked him about his thoughts on the candidates.

Grassley says he watched the second debate with ten of the candidates and he thought that the debate was just the beginning, but he felt Americans will know who really gains ground in three months from now.  With another debate scheduled before the Iowa Caucuses this January, Grassley points out that all potential presidential candidates better not forget about visiting Iowa.

“People ought to come here, because you can run a campaign in Iowa-with very few dollars-and if you don’t just want wealthy people or people that can get a lot of money to run president, you want other people to seek it out, Iowa is the place to start.”

While Grassley wouldn’t say who his favorite candidate is right now, he jokingly said it’ll be obviously come next April who he will support.

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