Installing sewer lineA delayed sewer project in Jefferson looks to be finished by next month.

City Administrator Mike Palmer says Scharnweber Water Conditioning has been making progress, despite setbacks from several inches of rain.  The contractor from Toledo, Ohio was suppose to have sewer services extended to Wild Rose Jefferson by June 15th.  Palmer states that due to the precipitation, making the soil soft, it caused part of the sewer pipe to bend, and so work had to start over to level it out.

Scharnweber recently hired Hatch Construction to help lay the rest of the 100-feet of sewer pipe and they will install the new lift station 30-feet below the surface.  Palmer says the contingency plan to pump sewer water into a truck and haul it to the City’s treatment plant is working well.

“It’s worked very, very well.  It’s constantly checked (and) our (City) Engineer is satisfied with how it’s working.  Depending on the weather, we can get this thing wrapped up as soon as we can.  At least we’re getting closer and closer now than what we were before.  It was just bogged down and now we’re headed in the right direction.”

Palmer adds that the project is about 75 percent complete and he’s hopeful the rest of it will be done by early August.

Wild Rose Jefferson’s grand opening is scheduled for August 7th through the 9th.


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