shoplocalPencils and pens, folders and notebooks, with classes right around the corner families are stocking up on school supplies.  But when you go to pick up the items your students needs for the year, consider shopping local first.

“Always check Perry first.  If the merchant doesn’t have it, ask them.  Often times they’ll order it for you or know how to get it, or another business might have it.  It is very, very important to keep your dollars locally because you’re going to see the return more.  If you shop n Des Moines, that money doesn’t come back to us and if you shop online, zero money comes back (to the community).”

That’s Bob Wilson with the Perry Chamber who says supporting these shops helps support the community as a whole.

“These entities, like ShopKo and Ben’s Five and Dime, they support local employees, they support local activities, they actually support things in the local schools as well.  So give money back to them as much as possible.”

For a full list of Perry Chamber members you can support, CLICK HERE.


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