The high school football season is about a month away from kicking off, but members of the ADM football team have an opportunity the next two days to evaluate how they’ve progressed over the offseason.

All players wanting to attend have been at Central College in Pella since Sunday for a three-day, fully-padded camp featuring scrimmages against other high schools. Veteran ADM head coach Mike Whisner said the pads are worn more for safety, as players are instructed to hit high and not bring offensive players to the ground.

“The whole purpose of that is the guys that want to go, they get an opportunity to prepare for the season and play against teams that we’re not going to see during the season, and just play against somebody else that gives us an opportunity to see if we’ve improved or where we need to improve at,” Whisner said. “So it’s really just about seeing where you’re at and kind of adjusting from that as we go through getting ready for the beginning of the season.”

ADM finished 5-5 last season, losing in the first round of the playoffs to Carroll. The Tigers open the 2015 season at 7 p.m. Friday, August 28 at Perry.


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