JCorp at P&Z Mtg pic 2A number of delays have put a new housing development in Jefferson on hold.

City Administrator Mike Palmer says JCorporation, Incorporated and the City agreed to delay building a 44-unit development at the Water Tower Subdivision until all details were ready for the public hearings.  The plans are to build a two-story townhome complex to the north and a two-story condominium complex to the south.

Before the project can begin, there has to be two public hearings held for an amendment to the Urban Renewal Plan and the development agreement.  Along with those two items, the Council must also consider the third reading to adopt a Planned Unit Development, so that the housing development can be zoned correctly.  Palmer notes an added item is the City replacing a water line that will be used by the new development.

A look at the project from the intersection of Pinet and Mahlon streets
A look at the project from the intersection of Pinet and Mahlon streets

“The committee looked at it and said, ‘really, this is a line that needs to be replaced at some point in time.  So let’s go ahead and agree to put this line in.  From a long term aspect, it’s a winner for the City and actually for the developer too because they aren’t going to have to mess around with an old line to try to tap into.”

He adds that at this week’s City Council meeting, if everything is approved, then construction can begin sometime later this fall.


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