DSCN2763The Jefferson City Council met last night in regular session.

The Council approved the first reading to amend an ordinance to increase water and sewer rates by three percent.  City Administrator Mike Palmer said that the Council previously approved the increase during budget time in the spring, but the change will be implemented sometime in September.

The Council also approved Danny Moranville as the Interim Sewer Superintendent due to the retirement of former superintendent Rod Eighmy.  Moranville’s salary will be $51,712 per year.  Palmer noted that they will look for a general service person that can work in all utility departments and the parks department before hiring a new sewer superintendent.

A delay by JCorporation, Incorporated led to several agenda items getting pushed back to the second Council meeting this month.  Two public hearings to amend the Urban Renewal Plan and a development agreement with the company were both pushed back to July 28th’s meeting at 5:30pm.  Other agenda items that were delayed were the third reading to adopt a Planned Unit Development for the Water Tower Subdivision, along with the final plat and replacing a water line in the housing development.


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