4-H Goat Show Results:

Grand Champion Junior Kid: Connor Gunn

Reserve Champion Junior Kid: Connor Gunn

Grand Champion Diary Goat: Connor Gunn

Reserve Champion Diary Goat: Connor Gunn

Grand Champion Specialty Goat: Kyann Brown

Reserve Champion Specialty Goat: Kyann Brown

Grand Champion Meat Goat: Wyatt Klocksiem

Reserve Champion Meat Goat: Wyatt Klocksiem

Grand Champion Breeding Doe: Connor Gunn

Reserve Champion Breeding Doe: Connor Gunn

Grand Champion Rate of Gain: Bailey Anderson

Reserve Champion Rate of Gain: Bailey Anderson

Overall Best in Show: Wyatt Klockseim

Junior Champion Showmanship: Bailey Anderson

Intermediate Champion Showmanship: Connor Gunn

Senior Champion Showmanship: Wyatt Klockseim


4-H Sheep Show Results:

Champion Dorset Ewe Lamb: Mason Burkett

Champion Hampshire Ewe Lamb: Bailey Godwin

Champion Hampshire Yearling Ewe: Bailey Godwin

Champion Suffolk Ram Lamb: Garrett Peterson

Champion Suffolk Ewe Lamb: Sarah Sandage

Champion Suffolk Yearling Ewe: Sarah Sandage

Champion Suffolk Ewe: Sarah Sandage

Champion Suffolk Pair: Sarah Sandage

Champion Commercial Blackface Ewe Lamb: Serenity Blair

Champion Commercial Blackface Ewe Lamb: Mason Burkett

Champion Commercial Blackface Ewe Lambs: Mason Burkett

Champion White, Speckled Face Ewe Lamb: Mason Burkett

Champion Produce of Dam: Emily Finch

Champion Commercial Ram Lamb: Mason Burkett

Supreme Champion Ram: Mason Burkett

Supreme Champion Ewe: Mason Burkett

Champion White, Speckled Face Market Lamb: Mason Burkett

Champion Light Weight Lamb: Connor Gibson

Champion Medium Weight Lamb: Ben Lint

Champion Heavy Weight Lamb: Connor Allender

Champion Community Lamb Barn Project: Connor Allender

Reserve Champion Community Lamb Barn Project: Abby Kozal

Grand Champion Market Lamb: Connor Allender

Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb: Connor Gibson

Champion Production Lamb: Garrett Peterson

Reserve Champion Production Lamb: Karissa Stephenson

Rate of Gain Champion: Sadic Reedy

Reserve Rate of Gain Champion: Sarah Sandage

Champion Pen of Three: Karissa Stephenson

Reserve Champion Pen of Three: Bailey Godwin

Senior Showmanship: Garrett Peterson

Master Showmanship: Garrett Peterson/Mason Burkett

Junior Showmanship: Makade Blair

Intermediate Showmanship: Serenity Blair

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