Jefferson MattersAny business owners or leaders that are  interested in learning more about advertising through social media are invited to Jefferson Matters: Main Street’s Social Media Social next week.

Jefferson Matters Program Director Peg Raney says five local college students will lead an information class about using social media to benefit businesses.  The free websites that will be covered include Facebook, Tripadvisor and Yelp.  Additional discussion items include an overview of all the free apps, registrations for individual sessions and discussing wi-fi options for a business with Jefferson Telecom.  The presenters are Jasmine Mobley, Beth Teusch, Kate Larson, Connor Wilkins and Westley Long.

Raney describes why this event is important for businesses to participate.

“Through our market analysis, that we’re currently putting together the narrative for, people are using online (sources) to find out about businesses.  So we want to have our businesses be online and so people can find them and utilize them.”

The free event is at 5:30pm on Monday, July 13th at Jefferson Telecom.

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