Charles “Dell” Dellavecchia sells several different kinds of flags, including confederate flags, out of his truck in Stuart.
Charles “Dell” Dellavecchia sells several different kinds of flags, including confederate flags, out of his truck in Stuart.

In light of a recent mass shooting at a church in South Carolina, some of the world’s biggest retailers, like Amazon and Walmart, have stopped selling confederate flag merchandise. Charles “Dell” Dellavecchia, an entrepreneur in Stuart, has not. Dell’s a Vietnam War veteran and says he fought for the right of Americans to forever fly or sell whatever flag they want. Out of his pickup truck, in an abandoned hotel parking lot in Stuart, he sells several different kinds of flags, but says the confederate battle flag is by far the hottest seller. From his perspective, it’s not offensive at all. “The thirteen stars on it are for the thirteen colonies that wanted to separate from the North. It’s a heritage thing, it’s got no hate in it. That flag’s never shot nobody, never hurt nobody.”

Dell will provide more insight from his perspective as a veteran and business owner and explain why a southern flag is selling like hotcakes, in the middle of Iowa, today on Let’s Talk Guthrie County. It airs during the 9 a.m., noon and 5 p.m. hours on K107.9 and

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