Crowd at Animal Hero EventAll youth involved in the Jefferson Library summer reading program were invited to a special program on Wednesday at the Greene County Community Center.

Greene County Chief Deputy Jack Williams and Jill Mills, a volunteer with People for Animal Welfare Society (P.A.W.S.) were the special guest speakers talking about how animals are heroes, which corresponds with the summer reading theme of “Every Hero has a Story.”

Williams brought his K-9 German Shepherd partner Leo and spoke to the kids about how Leo has taken over 1,400 pounds of marijuana, plus other illegal drugs like cocaine and meth, off the streets of Greene, Dallas, Story and Boone counties.  He allowed everyone to pet the three year-old dog from the Czech Republic.  He even conducted a bite training scenario.  Williams talks about why he does canine demonstrations to let the public see a unique hero.

K9 Leo (middle) being petted by a kid (left) with Chief Deputy Williams (right)
K9 Leo (middle) being petted by a kid (left) with Chief Deputy Williams (right)

“Basically it just gives everybody an understanding of what Leo’s capabilities and job duties are.  And then it also shows that our canine for Greene County is also a friendly dog and people that aren’t committing crimes or not obeying what the law enforcement officer might be saying, are just fine to walk up and pet him.  He’s very friendly and he’s been a great success story for Greene County so far.”

Mills talked about how people that support the local animal shelter either through volunteering or donations are heroes to the animals and how spending time with them can also have positive effects for both the person and the animal.

Children’s Librarian Terry Clark says this was a great way to involve local heroes and how even animals as well as other people can perform heroic deeds and touch people’s lives.


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