The Greene County Supervisors formally signed a contract with the Verdin Company to replace five strikers to five bells on the Mahanay Bell Tower.
County Engineer Wade Weiss says the repairs will be made to the four Westminster Chime bells and the Hour Strike Bell. He states that they switched bells so that a different bell would ring at the top of the hour and for all other functions, an electronic sound system is providing the music. Weiss notes that the all the work will be done on site.
“Normally, they (the Verdin Company) would like to see the bells brought down and then shipped to out to Cincinnati and the strikers (would) be placed out there. So it’s a little higher cost to have them done in place, but we don’t have the transportation or the crane cost (to do that).”
Tim Verdin with the Verdin Company will be at the July 6th Supervisors meeting to discuss future developments for the bell tower including installing a superstructure to hold a 48, full-Carillon bell system. There are 29 bells that have been purchased, but only 14 are installed.
Weiss says the Supervisors will use money from its maintenance fund to make the necessary repairs. The work is scheduled to be done around September 1st.