perry schoolsThis summer is a busy one in the Perry School District, with construction projects happening at each attendance center.

Superintendent Lynn Ubben says the major projects of the year are already underway at the high school and elementary, with the middle school to soon follow.

“The elementary parking (lot) project, if you go by there you can see it’s moving along pretty quickly.  Also, the high school gym roof is being replaced and then next week we will go out to bid for middle school boilers.  Our middle school is a 1960s building and those are original, so it has been on our radar that we really need to do something with that before something happens where we aren’t able to heat or cool our building. And of course there’s (also) little things to do like painting and carpeting (across the district).”

As a reminder to parents, students and sports fans… these projects, especially those at the high school and elementary, are impacting parking options and traffic.  Visitors are asked to pay attention to the blocked off areas and give crews plenty of room to work.

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