KDLSYou may have noticed some dead air this week on AM 1310 KDLS. While we always work to prevent that from happening, these outages are planned and essential for our next step in providing better service to our listeners.

We are currently in the process of installing an FM translator.  That may sound confusing, but as General Manager John McGee explains, it’s a pretty simple concept.

“What this is going to allow us to do is basically take our AM signal and put it out on an FM frequency.”

This will not replace the AM station you have programed on your radios, instead it will just duplicate the content broadcast over those airwaves onto an FM station as well.  This will provide a clearer sound that can be heard across a much larger radius than what the AM signal broadcasts.

Today and tomorrow, tower climbers are working to physically install the equipment and we’ll let you know where you can hear us on the FM dial once things are all up and running.

So if you notice your radio going silent this week, it will only be temporary and you can always visit RaccoonValleyRadio.com to live stream our stations online 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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