grimmel plaqueThe Greene County Historical Society is holding their monthly event later this week.

The program will focus on the historical plaques that are located on the brick pillars around the downtown square in Jefferson.  Deb McGinn is the chairperson of Jefferson Matters: Main Street’s promotion committee and the Tower View Team and will be the presenter.

The plaque project started in 2013 as the City was finishing the streetscape project.  Each plaque signifies a historical figure, event or organization.  Each plaque also has its own QR Code that smartphones can access a walking tour of the downtown area or learn more about the person or event.  There are ten plaques total and each was made by Jefferson Monument Works.

McGinn will highlight the process and describe each plaque during the 1pm program on Friday, June 5th.  It will be at the First Presbyterian Church in Jefferson.  A meal will be served at noon for an $8 charge.  The meal requires pre-registration by noon tomorrow.  Contact your respective community member on the historical society.

The program is free and open to the public.


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