Jefferson MattersEveryone is invited this weekend to the Mahanay Bell Tower in Jefferson to view some one-of-a-kind art.

Jefferson Matters: Main Street Program Director Peg Raney says they are having a reception for their first installation of rooftop art on Skeeter’s Fabricators on the north side of the downtown square.  She explains that this was the main goal for their Tower View Team to install art on rooftops.

“Being able to draw people into the downtown area (and) to our unique attraction, the Mahanay Bell Tower, and when they go up in the elevador, they would be able to look across this whole community and maybe see some art in unusual places.”

Former resident Stephanie Hammond is the artist and Ogren’s Custom Graphics is helping to install the design.  The reception will be on Saturday, June 6th from 2 to 4pm.  Attendees can enjoy free trips to the top of the Bell Tower and meet with Hammond.  Free mementoes will also be given away.  Jefferson Hy-Vee is sponsoring free refreshments for the event.

Raney is hoping that more downtown buildings will have art installed on the rooftops.


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