Sheriff HaupertAs we’ve previously reported, the Jefferson Police Department has five body cameras that patrol officers can use in the field.

However, the Greene County Sheriff’s office is taking a different stance.  Sheriff Steve Haupert says he is not considering purchasing body cameras for his deputies.  He believes the equipment and having to back up all footage for at least three years are very costly expenses.

He has confidence that his deputies have the necessary training, which is why he feels they don’t need body cameras at this time.

“We’re trying to get that mindset that we don’t need a camera.  If our actions are true to what we believe in helping people that things will work.”

The Sheriff’s office has in-vehicle cameras that record all traffic stops and can be used in court cases at the request of the County Attorney.

Haupert adds that he would be receptive to purchasing body cameras in the future as the technology becomes cheaper.


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