baseballAs the summer sports season gets underway, a point of safety was discussed by Greene County High School baseball coaches after the fatal incident involving an Ankeny teen who died in a game earlier this week in Minnesota.

Head coach Mark Sawhill says safety is always a concern, but there are risks anytime when you play sports.  However, Sawhill’s coaching staff tries to prevent most situations, but in a case like a baseball coming back at a pitcher, Sawhill says those are tougher to prevent.  They’ve also talked about trying to protect the pitcher.

“We’ve talked about that too.  We’ve got to have something for that pitcher to help him out.  We’ve talked about maybe lining his hat with a little piece of protection.  I don’t know if someone could come up with someone like that.”

Sawhill points out that bringing safety to baseball is something that is an ongoing concern.

“Everybody is kind of in the same world as far as trying to figure out what we can do to keep it a little safer, you know, it’s a great game.  But just trying to keep it as safe as we can for these kids is a big thing.”

Sawhill adds that sports are still a great thing.  He says it makes kids get involved, keeps them active and provides leadership opportunities.


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