flagOn Memorial Day, there will be several cemetery services throughout Greene County.

The City of Jefferson’s two cemeteries, the City Cemetery and St. Joseph’s Catholic Cemetery, have over 500 flags flying during the day.  Parks and Recreation Director Vicky Lautner says Bill Berger with the Jefferson Elks organizes the raising and lowering of each flag.  She points out that City crews have done maintenance to each cemetery to prepare them for Monday’s services.

Each year, the City purchases new flags to replace ones that can’t be repaired or are given to the families of those military veterans who are buried at the cemeteries.

The Greene County High School also performs at several services on Memorial Day as well.  Retiring director Becky Greiner says her band plays a patriotic medley and The Star Spangled Banner at both cemeteries and at the Scranton City Cemetery too.  Plus, some students perform Taps.  Greiner notes that John Mobley will play Taps at St. Joseph’s Catholic Cemetery, Zach Neil and Dylan Davis will be at the Scranton Cemetery and Mobley and Jack Schilling will perform at the Jefferson City Cemetery.

Lautner says it gives her chills to go by the cemeteries and see all the flags waving in the breeze.  At the same time, it reminds her of all the lives that sacrificed for our freedom.


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