As previously reported, an outbreak of Avian Flu has led to the destruction of over 20 million egg-laying hens in Iowa this year. The disease has been found as close as Winterset and State Representative Clel Baudler says officials continue to work towards a solution, but so far have seen little success. Warm, sunny temperatures could help to alleviate the disease, but with an unseasonably cold and damp spring, those seeking to find solutions to stop Avian Flu are being left puzzled. “There’s been discussions almost every day with someone, and I hate to say this, but nobody has the answer. It’s like, it’s only educated guesses on what impact this will have on State and local resources and revenues.”

Baudler says he continues to work with Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) officials as well as Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey in trying to determine ways to minimize the losses from Avian Flu.

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