Greene County ExtensionFifth and sixth grade youth are encouraged to participate in a Babysitting Basics course offered by Greene County ISU Extension.

The workshop is designed to give kids training of how to be a babysitter and take care of younger kids in a variety of situations.  Topics that will be covered include responsibilities of a babysitter, what employers expect, ideas to entertain children, how to handle emergencies, first aid and safety pointers and how to care for children of different ages.

Extension Coordinator Lori Mannel says it’s an exciting time for more youth to get involved and take advantage to be babysitters.

“We are hoping to see with the additions into our community and the influx of jobs, that you’re bringing in more people and more people have children and those children need care.  So definitely there’s a need and there’s an opportunity to make a little money for your kids.”

The workshop will be at the Extension office in Jefferson from 8:30am to 3pm on Saturday, April 25th.  The cost to participate is $20 or $30 after today’s pre-registration deadline.

To sign up, call or stop by the Extension office.


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