Most years a handful of Greene County High School students play soccer, but since the Rams do not have their own soccer program, the players go elsewhere through cooperative sharing programs, just like swimmers and tennis players have done.

However, soccer is different in that the girls and boys playing soccer don’t play for the same school because Greene County has two sharing programs. Activities Director Dean Lansman explainsw. “Soccer we share with two different schools. The girls go west to Carroll and for the second straight year Cheyenne Anderson is the only girl, so she’ll play for the Tigers. The boys go east to Boone with Boone and Ogden. The boys I know for sure that three boys are out in Marcelo Alarcon, Anthony Cunningham, and Mac Adamson, along with Nick Schroeder, who has mentioned he could possible go out, so we may have four boys going that direction this Spring.”

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