The Guthrie County Relay for Life Kickoff event will take place this evening. The event is designed for Relay veterans as well as new people who want more information. Relay coordinator Gigi Nelson says to show up even if you don’t know anyone involved in the Relay for Life. “We don’t always know everyone that’s coming. It’s not like you have to know someone. I can’t stress that enough. So many people don’t like to go somewhere where they don’t know anybody, or what’s going to go on. Ours is like a welcoming. We’re so happy to have you there.”

The Kickoff event begins at 5 pm inside of Sneakers Cafe, located inside of the Guthrie County Hospital. There will be refreshments and door prizes. Gigi Nelson tells us more about the Kickoff Event today on Let’s Talk Guthrie County, which airs during the 9 am, noon and 5 pm hours on K107.9 and

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