cargillCargill is looking at the possibility of establishing a feed mill in Greene County.

General Manager and Vice-President Jane Fallon made an initial presentation to the Greene County Board of Supervisors on Monday.  Currently, Cargill doesn’t have a facility in the County and Fallon adds that they are exploring the idea of producing their own feed.  There is at least one feed mill still active in the County with Juhl Feed Store in Dana.
Preliminary plans include a facility on the southwest corner of County Road P-46 and US Highway 30 near Grand Junction.  Fallon said it would create 10-15 jobs and the facility would produce about 350,000 tons of feed per year.  Cargill would buy 5-6 million bushels of corn from local crop producers annually.

Supervisor Chair John Muir noted the benefits of job creation and buying local products that Cargill could bring.

“It’s one of those, if you down the road looked and they (Cargill) build it (feed mill) over by Ogden, would you think, ‘gosh, at some point, wish we had that tax base here in Greene County.  That way I look at it and think it sounds good.”

Muir quickly pointed out the other side of the issue which is the possibility of creating more hog confinements.

Fallon said that they would need utility extensions from the City of Grand Junction and they do not have full funding to build a feed mill at this time.  She also requested support from the Supervisors for the project.  Muir responded to how the Board felt about giving their support.

“I wouldn’t make a decision yet on how we would support them.  We’ve got a good corn source for them. We’ve got people who could easily be employees and work out well for them.  As far as anymore support from the Board, we just have to wait and see what we’ll be comfortable with.”

Cargill is only investigating the possibility of building a feed mill, no definite plans have been made.


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