Greene County ChamberThere’s still time to sign up for the Greene County Chamber’s March into March program.

Chamber Director Chris Henning says they are challenging everyone in the County to participate in two different programs this month to live healthier and support local non-profit organizations.

The 10,000 Steps Challenge is for teams of four to eight people to record an average of 10,000 steps per day.  The 23 ½-Hour Challenge is for individuals to walk 30-minutes per day.  Participants must record their daily results at the Greene County Community Center.  Registrations for the 10,000 Steps is $10 per team and $5 for the 23 ½-Hour Challenge.  Henning talks about what the registration fees will be used for.

“The registration fees come to the Chamber.  But the actual win(ners) is to a charity of the winner’s choice.  So we just hold those registration fees.  We’re not doing much with them until the end of the month.”

Henning adds that it’s a win-win for both you and the charity because you are exercising and a charity can receive funds.

Sign ups are going on now at the rec center and at the Chamber office in Jefferson.


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