Dr. Mark Peters-Jefferson Veterinary Clinic
Dr. Mark Peters-Jefferson Veterinary Clinic

February is National Pet Dental Health Month.

Dr. Mark Peters is a veterinarian with the Jefferson Veterinary Clinic and has some tips on how to keep your pet’s teeth clean and healthy.

When you get your pet in for their annual checkup, teeth inspection is something that should be included and based off those results, you may have to schedule a separate teeth cleaning appointment.  Peters adds that a veterinarian should be looking for gingivitis, tartar buildup and any tooth abscesses.

He describes one group of dogs that are more susceptible to dental problems.

“What we do seem to see is dogs less than 20 pounds, tend to have a lot more dental problems than larger dogs.  We do lots of extractions.  The tartar seems to build up a lot quicker.  So it’s pretty imperative on the little dogs that we don’t wait on teeth cleanings and keep things in good health all along to prevent the extractions and dental problems later on in life.”

He recommends dry pet foods and chew toys because wet foods can lead to faster tartar build up.  There are also pet approved toothpaste and brushes that pet owners can help take care of their pet’s teeth in between their annual checkups.


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