There’s heated discussions on the gas tax at both the state capital in Des Moines, and on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. Iowa’s Third District U.S. Congressman David Young is involved in the latter of those two discussions, and says despite Iowa’s crumbling roads and bridges, it’s best to table the issue and let the middle class enjoy our current cheap gas prices. “We have some of the lowest gas prices right now, in the country. We should take a time-out now, from talking about a gas tax. We should give working families a break from taking on any more taxes. The issue with our roads and bridges need to be taken very seriously, though, because it’s a safety issue in the end.”
Young had a lot more to say about the gas tax, and other major issues that affect his constituents in the Raccoon River Valley. Tune into Let’s Talk Guthrie County Monday during the 9 am, noon and 5 pm hours to hear more from Congressman David Young.
If your tax returns say you made less than $57,000 in 2014, then you’re eligible to get your taxes done for free by Guthrie County Extension. Or at least, you probably are, says Guthrie County Extensions Mary Ebert who has the full guidelines, “Services are done by IRS trained and certified volunteers. Only basic federal, Iowa and nearby state returns will be processed. The program does not prepare schedules or forms related to business or profit loss, capital gains or losses, farm or rental income, employee business expenses, or moving expenses.”
Sessions are happening every Thursday evening through April 9th. If you qualify and are interested, you can make an appointment with Guthrie County Extension by calling 641-747-2276.