greene countyThe Greene County Historical Society is hosting its first event of 2015 this weekend.

Member Chuck Offenburger says the program is titled, “The Judges of Greene County” and it will look at past and current judges.

Jefferson attorney and president of the Greene County Bar Association David Morain is coordinating the event and he will be covering the county’s first set of judges following settlement in the 1850’s.  He will also share how judges back then were more involved in getting the community started.  However, in today’s world, judges aren’t involved as much due to conflicts of interest.

Another guest speaker will be Iowa District 2 Court Judge William Ostlund from Jefferson.  Ostlund’s been serving as a judge since 1994.  He will share some of the more unusual cases, characters and inspiring stories from his career on the bench.

Offenburger notes that several other Greene County judges will be highlighted such as United States District Court Judge William Hanson and his son Iowa District Court Judge Robert Hanson along with Justice David Harris of the Iowa Supreme Court.

It will be at 2pm on Sunday, February 1st at the Greene County Courthouse in Jefferson.

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