Jefferson Police DeptMore 2014 statistics were recently released by the Jefferson Police Department.

Police Chief Dave Morlan says his officers made 847 arrests in 2014 out of 3,154 calls for service.  He states that they take every call seriously, but that most calls didn’t have probable cause to pursue an arrest.

Officers issued 254 traffic citations, 114 parking tickets and 965 warnings.  Morlan notes that they are trying to educate the public by using a combination of citations and warnings which will help to stop motorists from breaking the law and take corrective action.

Other figures include eight burglaries, 23 assaults, 36 operating while intoxicated and 41 drug-related arrests.

Technology has changed how law enforcement investigates service calls.  Morlan says of the 170 harassment calls in 2014, officers made 22 arrests.  Part of the problem is when someone claims that they are being harassed through facebook or other forms of social media, it’s hard to track down the alleged perpetrator because they could delete the message and claim they didn’t harass anyone.  Morlan suggests that if you encounter someone harassing you through social media, block that individual and ignore them.

Technology has also changed the way law enforcement provides services.  Morlan states that they replaced both of the department’s tasers with new models and adopted an electronic filing system that allows an officer to file accident reports and criminal complaints while in the field.  Funds were used from the Special Traffic Enforcement Program to buy an in-car computer and this year, the Morlan adds that they are looking to purchase a Lidar Radar Unit.  It allows an officer to pinpoint a single vehicle’s speed while on the road.

Morlan talks about his expectations for 2015.

“I think with all the events that are going to be coming to town and with all the new activity in town that our call volume will probably increase some.  And I’m sure that the numbers next year might reflect that a little bit, but overall, I think it’s going to be a really good year coming up.”

He says they will maintain their mission which is to dedicate their efforts to enhancing public safety and maintaining the quality of life for the City of Jefferson.

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