The Greene County Board of Supervisors met yesterday in regular session.
The Board decided to give a 3% salary raise to county-elected officials and a 2.5% raise for themselves. It passed with a 3-2 vote. Supervisors John Muir, Dawn Rudolph and Guy Richardson voted for the increases. Mick Burkett and Tom Contner voted for the increase to all elected officials but were against giving themselves a raise.
Muir explains what went into the Board’s decision to give a 3% increase for elected officials.
“The discussion was pretty much based around that the Courthouse (employees) doesn’t have all the avenues to be compensated for extra time spent (and) don’t have longevity and we just thought going with the 3% over the 2.5%-which is what the bargaining groups got-was justifiable.”
The Board approved the semi-annual substance abuse grant report.
The Board heard several more county department budget proposals for the 2016 fiscal year. Sanitation estimated $32,125 for revenue and $79,948 for expenses, Veteran Affairs projected $10,000 for revenue and $57,549 for expenses, Auditor and Elections estimated $22,950 for revenue and $233,434 for expenses, Supervisors projected $185,504 for expenses with no revenue generated, Clerk of Court estimated $489,350 for expenses with no revenue generated, Human Services projected $10,000 for revenue and $7,464 for expenses, Public Health estimated $50,000 for revenue and $215,087 for expenses and general relief estimated $39,340 for expenses with no revenue generated.
County Engineer Wade Weiss updated the Board on some of the improvement projects with the courthouse. He said to repair the rotunda stain glass dome and to install new outside windows and an HVAC system would cost $1.6 million. The Board talked about saving some of their general fund money to use toward the projects and creating a priority list to get each project done. No action was taken by the Board.