It is a busy agenda for the Jefferson City Council tonight.
The Council will consider for approval to terminate its agreement with Tee to Greene Properties, LLC, the purchase of a hook truck for the Sanitation and Recycling Department, waiving a building permit fee for a new building on the Greene County Fairgrounds, extending water and sewer services to Greene County Development Corporation properties along Gallup Road and approving tax abatements.
The Council will also consider approving a resolution to provide matching funds for a housing program with Region XII Council of Governments in 2016, the third reading to amend an ordinance to add a planned unit development district, approving demolition bids for 206 South Maple and 506 East Clark streets along with granting a variance to reduce the rear yard setbacks at 403 Sundown Court for a housing addition to be added and approve membership rates and daily and annual fees for the Jefferson Community Golf Course.
Plus, there will be appointments made by the Mayor, GCDC quarterly report and funding request and more discussion on the use of the Hotel/Motel Tax.
The 2016 fiscal year budget workshop is expected to be on February 10th.
Tonight’s meeting will be at 5:30pm in the City Hall Council Chambers.