The Perry School Board of Directors will meet in special session tomorrow morning.
The Board will be looking at preliminary designs from Shive-Hattery for the elementary traffic and parking improvement project.
Superintendent Lynn Ubben says they would’ve had this agenda item as part of their regular board meeting, but because of the high school gym roof project that the Board recently awarded a construction contract, they wanted to the parking lot project as a separate item.
Ubben points out that for years, traffic and the parking lot at the elementary building has been an issue for both the front and the back sections. She talks about what the ideal plan would be going forward.
“What our wish is, is that once we go over there we can do the front and the back and do the entire project. But as I said, we’ll bid the front separate also as an addendum and the back separate on a case if it’s cost prohibited and we can’t do the whole thing at once.”
After the Board looks over the design, plans are to move forward for bid letting. Funds for the project would come from the state’s allocated building and grounds improvement account.
The meeting will be at 8:30am in the Clarion Room at the School Administration Center on Tuesday, December 16th.