Lately, we’ve seen extreme jumps in temperature, and that oftentimes can trigger severe weather that many don’t even think is possible this year, such as tornadoes. Bob Kempf is Emergency Managment Coordinator for Adair and Guthrie Counties and says that November tornadoes are more prevalent than people may realize, “It wasn’t that long ago that we had that tornado that affected the town of Woodward, and that was a November tornado.” The Woodward tornado was in 2005; Kempf acknowledged that it was exactly a year ago, last November, when a monster F4 tornado ripped through the city of Washington in neighboring Illinois.
So, while you may be more focused on the next snowfall, Kempf says it’s important to remember tornado protocol–at least until January, he says that’s the only month where a tornado hasn’t touched in Iowa, but they’re even possible then.