The City of Guthrie Center’s City Council is pretty certain they want to create a TIF district somewhere in their city. Currently they’re just uncertain as to where they want it. Guthrie Center Mayor Denny Kunkle explains TIF, or Tax Increment Financing, as a tool for improving infrastructure in the set district, “Let’s say you got a blank piece of property, say it’s valued at ten thousand dollars, and whoever owns that land, they’re paying taxes on the ten thousand dollar valuation of that land. So let’s say somebody is going to build a million dollar structure on that property, what the tax generation would be for the increase in valuation of that property, that’s taxable. What you can do is on that increment, is specify where the money raised on that increment be spent on infrastructure type things, like sidewalks, sewer, water within that district.”

The two main options are making the downtown area a TIF district, and making the entire city a TIF district, with the exception of residential areas.

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