Greene County RamsThe Iowa High School Music Association’s All-State auditions were this last weekend and Greene County High School had some individuals that qualified.

Choir Director David Heupel says four students qualified for all-state which were senior Annie Palmer as an alto, junior David Peterson as a tenor and sophomores Nadia Fisher for soprano Michael Kennedy for a tenor.  Of those who qualified, Peterson will be making his second consecutive trip to Ames for all-state.  Heupel points out that Fisher, Palmer and Kennedy all sang together as a trio in their audition and all made it through.

As for band, no one qualified for all-state this year.  Director Becky Greiner says for the first time since her first year teaching in Greene County at Paton-Churdan in 1984 has she had no one make it to all-state.  Certainly a disappointment for her and her students that tried out, but Greiner adds that they had their shots, they just couldn’t get someone through.

The all-state concert will be on the Iowa State University campus in Ames on November 22nd.

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