The temperature’s going to drop down into the mid 20’s later tonight. That means all we need is a storm front to move in, and we’ll be seeing the white stuff coming down anytime now. Guthrie County Sheriff Marty Arganbright says this is the time of the year, you really got to watch your speed on the roads, “Most important thing on that I can say is speed. It’s all about speed. Everywhere you go it’s about speed. Whether it’s good weather or bad.”
If you’re one of the unlucky who ends up in a ditch this winter, the Sheriff says you can never been too prepared, “If there is an occasion where you end up in the ditch, you have to do inventory to see what’s in your care, make sure you have a shovel, blanket, snacks a battery cable, a full tank of gas.”
Meteorologists predict this winter to be even more severe than last year.