Guthrie County CourthouseThe Guthrie County Board of Supervisors met twice last week for their regular bi-weekly sessions.

On Tuesday, September 23rd, Midwest Partnership Executive Director Chad Schreck discussed options of potential buyers for the Country View Estates in Guthrie Center.  The County currently owns that property and leases it to the assisted living community.  However, Country View is looking to relocate in the near future, the County is considering selling the property to a buyer.

If anyone is interested in the location, contact any of the Supervisors for more information.

On Thursday, September 25th, the Board discussed security training with Guthrie County Sheriff Marty Arganbright.  He talke with the Board about conducting a security training session with all the employees of the courthouse in response to the situation at the Jackson County Courthouse when a person entered the building with a gun and fired at a Supervisor.  The Board agreed that a training session was needed in the near future.

The only other item on the agenda was an annual report was given by the public health department at Guthrie County Hospital.

The Supervisors meet every Tuesday and Thursday at 9am in the courthouse in Guthrie Center.


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