Monday’s Crash Near Grand Junction Kills One Person

An investigation is ongoing into a two vehicle fatal accident on Monday morning near Grand Junction.

According to Iowa State Patrol Trooper Kevin Leffler, 27 year-old Daniel Reetz of Boone was recklessly traveling west on Highway 30 one mile east of Grand Junction just before 9:30am.  His 2001 Chevrolet Impala crossed the centerline on the overpass bridge where the vehicle struck a 2007 Cadillac Escalade driven by 25 year-old Lombardo Ramos of Oskaloosa.

Reetz was not wearing his seatbelt at the time of the crash and was pronounced dead at the scene.  Ramos, a 25 year-old female passenger, Laura Llmas-Torres and three children were transported to the Greene County Medical Center with non-life threatening injuries by Grand Junction Fire and Rescue.

Greene County Sheriff Steve Haupert says it was the first fatal accident that he’s encountered on that bridge.

The Iowa State Patrol, the Greene County Sheriff’s office, Grand Junction Fire and Rescue, Jefferson Fire Department and the Greene County Emergency Medical Services all responded to the scene.

Leffler states that he found possible narcotics in Reetz’s vehicle and an autopsy is being conducted by the State Medical Examiner’s office in Ankeny to determine Reetz’s sobriety.

Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you more information as it becomes official.

Greene County Getting Back To Normal Following Storm

Sunday night’s storm created quite a mess in Greene County.

Greene County Emergency Management Coordinator Dennis Morlan says most of the damage was concentrated in Jefferson and Rippey and included large branches and trees that fell and a few power lines were down.

Morlan states that the storm had straight line winds of up to 60 miles-per-hour and lots of rainfall.  His radar also indicated rotating clouds on the northwest portion of Churdan and he activated the storm spotters to make sure that there was no tornadic activity which at no time was there any tornadoes spotted.

There were 220 Midland Power Cooperative customers without power and Morlan adds that the entire City of Rippey was without power for a couple of hours while Alliant Energy worked to repair a transformer.

There was no structural damage and little vehicle damage and no one was injured.

Due to Jefferson’s yard waste dump site being closed, residents are instructed to take their yard and tree brush to a temporary site by the City-owned swimming pool until further notice.

A Fight Results In Three Arrests In Scranton

The Greene County Sheriff’s office arrested three people in Scranton on Friday, August 29th.

Sheriff Steve Haupert says at 8:45pm, an alleged fight broke out between several individuals in the 700 block of Madison Street.

Haupert points out that the fight had been an ongoing dispute after the incident was controlled, three individuals were arrested.  42 year-old Jeannie Rebecca Gustoff is charged with disorderly conduct, 28 year-old Seth Michael Butler and 42 year-old Donald Duane Daniel are both charged with Class D Felonies for assault and an additional charge of disorderly conduct.  They were booked and released the next day from the Greene County Jail.

Haupert notes that as a result, three other people were taken to the Greene County Medical Center by Greene County Emergency Medical Services with possible facial fractures and other minor injuries.  Their current statuses and names are unknown at this time.

He adds that other charges are pending completion of the investigation.

Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you more information as it becomes official.

Cyclists of Greene’s September Events

The Cyclists of Greene have a busy September full of events.

Member Chuck Offenburger says their next full moon bike ride will be on Monday, September 8th.  Participants will leave the Jefferson Depot at 6:15pm and ride down to Cooper on the Raccoon River Valley Trail under the twilight and then head back to the Depot as the full moon rises.

There will be free treats provided at the end of the bike ride and helmets, bicycle lights and a signed waiver are all required to participate.

Other events going on this month are the club’s weekly bike rides at 5:30pm on Wednesdays and 8am on Saturdays when the group leaves from the Jefferson Depot.  Plus, there are family bike rides around the City of Jefferson starting from the Depot at 5pm on Sundays.

All events are free and open to the public.

Jefferson Library Children’s Department Receives Donation

Recently, the Jefferson Public Library Children’s Department purchased new technology for children to enjoy.

Children’s Librarian Terry Clark says the Jefferson Elks Lodge donated $500 to their department and they bought two LeapFrog Learning Pads  and a variety of educational games.  She states that they have math, science, reading, problem solving and social studies games.

The LeapFrog Pads are available to use at the library only and Clark is grateful for the donation because it is something that they wouldn’t be able to have without the generous gift by the Jefferson Elks Lodge.

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