Getting middle school student-athletes interested in high school sports hasn’t been an issue in the Adel-DeSoto-Minburn School District, but new 7th-12th grade activities director Reece Satre wants to continue to let that thrive.
Being new to the district, Satre is anxious to get to know the middle schoolers and attend their activities as well as all the high school activities.
“It’s going to take a little bit of time but obviously, to be there at not just high school varsity events but also kind of meet and greet and talk to kids and give them high-fives and cheer them on even at seventh and eighth grade games. So that’s one of the goals I have is to be around at a lot of different things and not just the Tuesday night volleyball game and Friday night football game.”
He explains another way he wants to try and get middle school athletes excited about high school sports.
“Building those relationships and getting the kids excited about where they can be on a Friday night or getting out there as a varsity volleyball player and just kind of planting that seed as ‘hey this is a goal that maybe I have as a seventh grader.’”
Satre understands the importance of continuing to foster the notion of connecting middle school sports with the higher competition level of high school sports.