A Greene County bridge repair project has hit the halfway point on US Highway 30.
About three weeks ago, the Iowa Department of Transportation began work on the Hardin Creek Bridge east of Jefferson. DOT Construction Technician Supervisor Dennis Ward says Kramer and Associates have been doing work to remove ½-inch layer of concrete and overlaying it with new concrete and also installing new metal guardrails.
Since the project started at the beginning of the month, the crew has completed the eastbound lane and has started working on the westbound lane.
While construction is happening, temporary stop lights have been placed on both ends of the bridge because traffic is limited to one lane.
However, there have been three motor vehicle accidents, all involving people not slowing down for the stop lights.
Greene County Sheriff Steve Haupert urges the motoring public to be safe and obey the warning signs leading up to the traffic lights.
“We just need to be cautious and aware of those (traffic) lights out there and the other traffic. I know it’s a rather small bridge for crossing but we need to be aware of who’s stopped and who’s going at all times out there.”
He suggests that you also give the construction workers plenty of room to keep them safe and reminds everyone that fines can double in construction zones.
The project is expected to take another three weeks to complete, weather permitting.