The Perry Farmers Market continues to be popular this summer as the diverse list of vendor options continues to grow.

Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Bob Wilson points out one of the new vendors and their unique offering.

“Gail Whiton showed up last week, or the week before and he has black walnuts that he has done this painstaking process of shelling them, cleaning them, getting prepared and he’s got them in nice little quart, Ziploc baggies down there.  It takes him about four hours per quart he says, so nobody wants to do that and thank goodness for Gail doing it” says Wilson.

But that’s not all, Wilson says everyone is bound to find something they like at the farmers market, whether you knew you needed it or not.

“That’s just one example of what you might find down there.  There’s some great crafts, amazing baked goods, fresh produce, walking sticks, rain barrels, it’s just a community activity and I can’t encourage people enough to come out.”

The Perry Farmers Market continues each Thursday from 4-6pm at the Perry Marketplace near Caboose Park.

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