The Perry Chamber of Commerce is hoping to get a large crowd to attend this week’s lunch and learn event.
Mike Wagner from the White Rabbit Group will speak with attendees at the Hotel Pattee this Thursday as he further explains plans for the upcoming Perry Business Design Lab.
Chamber President Mark Powell says the first of its kind event is designed to help people in all stages of business.
“We would like to see private, for profit entities participating, we would like to see maybe a few not for profits and some municipal agencies to participate as well. The individuals we are looking for can be the people that have been running a business for twenty plus years or it could be the individual that just has a twinkle you know in their brain that says ‘You know I’ve always wanted to do this and I want to learn more about what it would take to run a business” says Powell.
It takes place at noon Thursday. The cost is $10 for members and $15 for non-members, which includes lunch. RSVPs are needed today to plan for enough food.
We’ll have more with Powell on today’s Let’s Talk Dallas County program during the 9am, noon and 5pm hours on KDLS.