Interim Greene County High School Activities Director Dean Lansman will have the “interim” tag removed after approval by the school board at Wednesday night’s meeting. Lansman is a science teacher at the high school, as well as being the head football and head boys’ track & field coach. He’s served as the interim A.D. for much of the past school year after former A.D. Dave Waskow was released from his contract approximately one year ago, and no one was immediately hired.
Lansman told Raccoon Valley Radio he would have his teaching load reduced to 1/2 time with A. D. duties the other 1/2. He added scheduling duties for activities in grades 7-12 would be handled by his office, but middle school principal Shawn Zanders would be in charge of hiring officials on the middle school level, as well as supervision. Tony Beger, formerly the A. D. at East Greene, will be taking on some of the supervision duties on the high school level.