Greene County RamsInterested parents or guardians of three year-olds are encouraged to attend a meeting about a program that will be provided by the Greene County School District on Monday.

Superintendent Tim Christensen says your child must be three years-old on or before September 15, 2014 and live within the Greene County School District to be eligible for the program.

He states that it will be a tuition-based program that will be at the elementary school in Jefferson and will meet two half days per week.  The cost will be $125 per month for any three year-old in the program.

Christensen points out that even with it as a tuition-based program, the district will still have to pay for part of it through the general fund.

“Spending $20,000 upfront on these students, the goal would be, that saves a lot of money on the other end that if we catch things early and provide some great teaching and learning opportunities for the kids as three year-olds, they may not need as much when they’re older and that becomes a lot more expensive at that time.”

He notes that there are “Partnership 4 Families” grants available to help pay for the program.

The meeting will be at the elementary school at 401 East Russell in Jefferson on Monday, June 2nd at 6:30pm.  Parents or guardians are asked to bring their child’s birth certificate, social security card, immunization records and any other legal documentation that parents think the school district should have on file.

Call 386-3178 for more information or with any questions.

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