Perry Elementary School has proven their commitment to the Positive Behavior Intervention Supports program, and even received statewide recognition for their efforts.
This spring, elementary school counselor and PBIS coach Andrea Brandner accepted the Emerging School Award at the Learning Supports spring conference in Des Moines. Brandner says the honor is in recognition of the work they PBIS team did in 2012-2013 to train staff and design the local program.
“In year one of PBIS it’s strictly just, you’re forming a team within the building and you’re planning to start the program. So the program hasn’t been rolled out at the school yet, at all. The students don’t know about it, it’s just a group of staff planning what it will look like the following year. The award is based on the work that we did in that planning year. That we did all the correct documents, all the correct training and started the implementation process with integrity” says Brandner.
Perry is one of just twelve schools in the state to win the award from the Iowa Department of Education.
Brandner says it’s always nice to receive praise for your hard work and dedication.
“To spend a whole year in school, with a team, we took a lot of days off of work, we went to training, it’s great to have that work and effort recognized outside of Perry, at a state level. To have the head of the Department of Education hand you an award is a pretty rewarding feeling and it’s great to have Perry in the news for something positive.”
Since the PBIS plan was implemented this fall, Brandner says she has noticed positive changes in the overall behavior of students and the school is on track to win another award from the Department of Education for this current school year.