Greene County RamsEveryone is invited to honor this year’s Greene County High School senior class at tonight’s awards night.

Guidance counselor Ruth Broman says there are over 80 awards and scholarships totaling over $246,000 that will be given out to 54 seniors tonight.

Principal Brian Phillips says the amount of classes that students have to help further their education beyond high school is overwhelming.

“We recently did a survey within the Heart of Iowa Conference and amongst all those Heart of Iowa Conference schools, we are number one with the number of college credits and courses that kids have opportunities to pursue.  So we really have a lot of things and sometimes kids may not get everything they want but we really have a lot of things to offer kids for post-secondary opportunities.”

Broman points out one of the more unique scholarships given away this year is the Iowa Student Loan.  She notes that the scholarship recognizes those students who have knowledge of financial literacy and she adds that one student will be receive that scholarship tonight.

It will be at the high school auditorium at 7pm tonight and it is free and open to the public.

A sample of what’s to come for tonight’s awards ceremony (not in any particular order):

Welcome………………………….………………….…………………………..Ruth Broman

Gold Cords………………………………………….……………………………Brian Phillips

Volunteerism Cords………………………………………..……………………..Shelby Cooklin

Greene County Student Council Award………..……………………..………..Deb Marquardt

Greene County Cheerleading/Spirit Scholarship………………………………Deb Marquardt

Life Serve Blood Center Scholarship……………………………..……………Deb Marquardt

Logan Scheuermann Memorial………………………………………….Scheuermann Family

Elks Lodge #2306, Jefferson Scholarship………………….…………………….…..Jon Smith

Beta Tau Delta Scholarship……………………………….……………………….Cassie Dozier

Charles Scott Hastings Scholarship………..……………………………………Dina Hastings

Iowa Central Community College Scholarships……………………………

Grand Junction Lions Club Scholarships……………………………..…..Pastor Dan Emmert

Dr. Sherwood & Marie Smith Scholarship………………………………….

Greene County Pork Producers……………………………………………….Jenny Wessling

Fred Blackmer Agricultural Scholarship……………………………………..Diane Blackmer

Ben Carman Memorial………………………………..……………..Nelson & Marie Carman

Greene County Medical Center Auxiliary………………………………………Sharon Stoline

Peoples Trust and Savings Scholarship-Jefferson………………………….…David Pedersen

Peoples Trust and Savings Scholarship-Grand Junction………………………Derek Kennedy

Peoples Trust and Savings Scholarship-Rippey………………………………Ashley Johnston

Steven Wray Moranville Scholarship……….…………………..Connie Moranville Hamilton

Jefferson Telephone Company Scholarships………………………………….Jim Daubendiek

Gose Agricultural Studies Scholarship…………………………………………….…Ed Gose

Iowa Bar Association Citizenship Award……………………………………….David Morain

JSEA Scholarship……………………………………………………………….

Lighthouse Guild Scholarship…………………………………………………

Historic Cooper School District Scholarship…………………….Dr. Mary Anderson Richards

Class of 1978 Scholarship……………………………………………………….Linda Henning

Warren Raney Scholarship………………………………………………………….Bill Raney

LLC Anonymous Scholarship………………………………………………….Becky Greiner

Greene County Farm Bureau………………………………………………………Perry Parker

Earl Wilson Scholarship…………………………………………………………Teresa Green

Iowa Financial Know-How Challenge…………………………………………..Teresa Green

Briar Cliff University…………………………………………………………Rebecca Stoeker

Iowa Lakes Community College Scholarship…………………………..

University of Northern Iowa Scholarships………………………….

PTO Scholarships…………………………………………………………….……Tony Beger

East Greene Athletic Scholarships…………………………………………………Tony Beger

Greene County Medical Center Auxiliary Foundation Scholarship……………Hollie Roberts

University of Iowa Scholarships……………………………………………….

Central College Scholarships……………………………………………….……..

Morningside College Scholarship…………………………………………………

Des Moines Area Community College……………………………………………

Greene County Medical Auxiliary Foundation……………………………..…….Hollie Roberts

Mar Smith Memorial Scholarship………………………………………………….……Jill Mills

Grand Junction Fire and Rescue Scholarship…………………………………….Mark Renslow

Drake University Scholarship…………………………………………………….Becky Greiner

Simpson College Scholarships……………………………………………………Becky Greiner

Major Landers Scholarship……………………………………………………….Becky Greiner

Karen Younie Educational Scholarship……………………………………………Becky Greiner

Iowa State University Scholarships………………………………………………Michael Cooley

Kevin Wills Scholarship……………………………………………………………Jennifer Wills

Janet Hillstrand Burmeister Gose Scholarship……………………………………Rebecca Clark

Environmental Habitat Corporation Scholarship……………………………….…Bill Frederick

Greene County Soil & Water Conservation Scholarship…………………………..Bill Frederick

Greene County Conservation Club………………………………………………..Bill Frederick

Jefferson Lions Club Scholarship……..…………………………………….……Dr. Jim Forbes

Home State Bank Scholarship……………………………………………………Rhonda Morlan

Ernest Prehm Scholarship……………………..…………………………………Rhonda Morlan

Everfi Graduation Certificates………………………………………………………….Sid Jones

Morning Star/Masonic Lodge ……………………………………..…………….John Schoening

Hazel Brown Zachar PEO……………………………………………..……..…Joyce Ausberger

Jefferson Kiwanis Club Scholarship……..………………………………………Denny Goshon

University of Iowa……………………………………………………………….Dean Lansman

Frank Linduska Memorial………………………………………………………..Dean Lansman

Tony Andrusyk Memorial…………………………………………………………Dean Lansman

Bernie Saggau Award……………………………………………………………Tim Christensen

Ram of the Year………………………………………………………………….Tim Christensen

Jefferson-Scranton School Foundational Scholarships…………………………Tim Christensen

Jefferson Rotary Club…………………………………………………………..Tim Christensen

R. H. Maloney Scholarship………………………………………………………Tim Christensen

Fern Olive Scholarship………………………………………………………….Tim Christensen

Jefferson BPO Does #196 Scholarship…………………………………….…….Rhonda Morlan

Roger Nailor Memorial Scholarship………………………………………………Karen Lawton

Buena Vista University…………………………………………………………….Brian Phillips

Governor’s Scholar Recognition Award……………………………………………Brian Phillips

National Merit Recipients………………………………………………………….Brian Phillips

McGregor Scholarship…………………………………………………………….Ruth Broman

Viola Vorhies Nia Scholarship………………………………………..…….………Ruth Broman

Closing……………………………………………………………………………..Ruth Broman

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