lake panoramaWith many area residents wanting to assist the Lake Panorama Association with storm clean-up at the lake following Sunday night’s tornado, General Manager John Rutledge says volunteers are welcome to come together today to help their cause.

According to a statement released by the LPA, volunteers are asked to meet between 8:30 and 9am this morning at the LPA’s maintenance shed, located at the corner of Clover Ridge Road and Panorama Drive near Boulder Cove.

Workers will then be divided into groups to clean the golf course and other specific areas around the lake.

Anyone interested in volunteering their time and/or their equipment, such as Gators, ATVs and 4-wheelers, are encouraged to call the LPA Office this morning to let lake officials know what it is you’ll be bringing to help with the cleanup effort.

Their office number is 641-755-2301.

In what has been a trying time at Lake Panorama the past 36 hours, the LPA says it is thankful and greatly appreciative for everybody’s “spirit in seeking to assist” the recovery effort after the Mother’s Day storm.


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