The race for the Republican nomination for Iowa’s open U.S. Senate seat is a heated one with five candidates on the ballot.
Sam Clovis, Joni Ernst, Mark Jacobs, Scott Schaben and Matt Whitaker are all vying for the nod, with the winner facing off against current U.S. Congressman and Democratic candidate Bruce Braley.
With this many candidates in the race, it’s inevitable for significant money to be spent on the campaign trail. One candidate who has made a few trips to the Raccoon River Valley area so far, has spent more of his own money campaigning than any other Iowan on record.
According to the Federal Election Commission campaign disclosure report, Mark Jacobs has spent more than $1.65 million from his own pocket.
During a stop in Perry recently, Jacobs told Raccoon Valley Radio that job creation is one of his main focuses and that it’s important for lawmakers to do what they can to make sure Americans can move toward their dreams
For more with Jacobs, tune into today’s Let’s Talk Dallas County on AM 1310 KDLS during the 9am, noon and 5pm hours.