jefferson welcomeAny Jefferson resident looking to spruce up their property by getting rid of yard waste and other materials can do so next week.

The City of Jefferson is offering a free spring cleanup week next week.

Starting Monday on your regular garbage day, items such as yard waste, old furniture, old lumber, metal and other unsightly items will be picked up for free.  Each property owner is given two free hopper loads of trash during the cleanup week and anything beyond that, a property owner will be charged $25 per hopper load.

Items that will not be picked up are tires and any toxic waste materials.

The City would like to remind its citizens that scrap metal and yard waste are separate items and will not be counted toward the two free hopper loads.  Yard waste bags do not need a sticker during that week.

Any resident that does not separate their materials into separate piles like wood with wood or metal with metal will not be picked up by the sanitation crews.

City officials would also like to remind everyone that next week is also the first brush chipping week of the year.  Residents can stack their brush piles with the cut ends facing the curbs and the City will chip it for free.  Whole trees will not be accepted.

Anyone with questions can call City Hall at 386-3111.


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