Guthrie Co. CourthouseThe Guthrie County Board of Supervisors convened yesterday for their second meeting this week.

Sheriff Marty Arganbright began the session with an update from his department, and he primarily discussed his meeting with ThinkSpace IT as it pertained to switching his office over to the new county server.  Arganbright says his system of operations already has some deficiencies, especially with its 9-1-1 system, and he’s worried that the switch will cause even more of a headache for his department.

Arganbright says ThinkSpace officials have assured him that making the server change will benefit the Sheriff’s Office in the long run.  Supervisor Clifford Carney voiced a similar sentiment, saying that the goal of the server project is to make things work better for all county departments.

Arganbright then discussed some complaints he has received recently from citizens in Menlo, who say they see a lot of speeding through their town.  The Sheriff says there is now a reserve deputy monitoring the area more often during the day.

The Sheriff’s Department did receive a shipment of 40-caliber ammunition this week, some for duty and some for practice.  Arganbright says the order for this particular set of ammo was placed in March of 2013.

County Engineer Josh Sebern then addressed the Supervisors, and two resolutions were passed.

First, the Supervisors approved Sebern’s recommended date for the public hearing on the amendment to the Guthrie County Urban Renewal Plan.  The hearing will take place at 9:30am on Tuesday, May 20th at the Guthrie County Courthouse.

The hearing date was approved with a 3-2 vote from Supervisors, with Mike Dickson and Jerry Caraher providing the “nays.”

Near the conclusion of their conversation with Sebern, the Supervisors unanimously approved a bridge posting resolution, which allows the county road department to install white bridge posting signs on annual basis.  These postings allow law enforcement to issue citations if weight limits are not observed on county bridges.

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