The West Central Valley School District Board of Directors met last night for its April session.
To begin the meeting, the Board received a curriculum presentation from two Dexter Elementary 4th-grade teachers that provided information related to how the instructors have been teaching their students “how to think” in their classrooms. Students have been taught to learn from mistakes and solve problems through a variety of different strategies using what is called a “growth mindset.”
Next, the Board approved a request from the high school’s FFA chapter that will allow participants to head to State Convention in Ames, which is coming up April 27th through the 29th.
The Board then heard an update related to the recent problems with the new football field and track. Kevin Butts of Weitz Construction and Matt Carlisle of Confluence Architecture were two of the contractors on-hand to discuss where the situation currently stands, and while the problem is far from fixed, Butts says the field is “drastically different shape compared to how it looked three weeks ago.” The field has settled a bit and less heaving exists, according to Butts.
Board member Marty Doud asked Butts if a frozen drainage system could have caused the field issues, and while Butts said it could be possible, “it would be unlikely.”
Surveying of the track and football field will be completed by the end of next week, and at that time, Carlisle and Butts hope get together with the Board and other contractors to start putting together steps toward finding a resolution.
Butts says there are likely two different answers that could be found as solutions for the athletic complex problems. One could be a shorter-term solution, which would allow the football team to get back on the field by the time the fall season starts. By the same token, Butts says a long-term fix might provide a different timetable for when the complex could be used again.
Superintendent Dr. David Arnold recommended that the Board call a special meeting to go over surveying results once that data comes available, likely in early May.
After athletic complex discussion, the Board then heard a review of the district’s Iowa Assessments test scores from Stuart Elementary Principal Sharon Sloss, Middle School Principal Anthony Lohse and High School Principal Debbie Wilson. All voiced their pleasure with their schools’ improved test scores in virtually every subject area compared to last year.
Near the end of the meeting, the Board unanimously approved a few open enrollment out requests and approved the 2014-15 contract with Union 353.
Before going into closed session to conclude the meeting, the Board welcomed West Central Valley’s six all-state individual speech performers to the session and watched their performances. The individuals performing were Elaine Meyers, Caroline Doud, Jackson Doud, Liam Crawford, Vince Doud and Shawn Murphy.
A brief needs assessment review was discussed by the Board to conclude the meeting.